Make Acne Scars Disappear with These Natural Remedies! April 17, 2023 10:01

Top 8 Ingredients to make Acne Scars Disappear

vitamin e

You'll find all sorts of information on the internet about how to get rid of scars, some natural, some crazy expensive, and some actually harmful. As a skin care specialist and owner of Heavenly Botanicals, a skin care company that has helped thousands of people get rid of their acne and scars, I'm here to tell you what ACTUALLY works. 

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The products I recommend are all products I’ve used myself and love (because they work), which is why I’m sharing them with you! I don't care whether you purchase from these links or not, I'm just trying to point you in the right direction! And if there's a cheaper or basically free option, I'll tell you. I don't care about money, I care about helping people. Anyone who knows me and consults with me knows this to be true! (Rant over!) SO if you want to know more read on...

1. VITAMIN E from sunflower seed oil

You want to make those acne scars disappear? Then, Vitamin E is the oil for the job! It is an essential nutrient that can work wonders for your skin, with studies to back it up, that is why it is my number 1! It has many benefits, one of which is its ability to help fade acne scars. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. These pesky little buggers can damage your skin cells and cause premature aging. When Vitamin E is applied topically, it can help improve the appearance of scars by promoting skin cell regeneration and reducing inflammation (redness, swelling). Additionally, this amazing oil can help moisturize and nourish your skin, leaving it soft, smooth, and glowing. So if you’re dealing with acne scars or other types of skin discoloration, consider incorporating vitamin E into your skincare routine. It’s a simple, natural way to help restore your skin’s natural beauty. 

There have been several studies done on the effect of vitamin E on scars. One study published in the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery found that topical application of vitamin E was effective in improving the appearance of scars in 90% of patients. Another study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that a combination of vitamin E and silicone gel was effective in reducing the appearance of hypertrophic scars (raised scars). A third study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that vitamin E helped to reduce inflammation and promote wound healing in animal models. While more research is needed, these studies suggest that vitamin E may be a promising natural treatment for scars.

I recommend this Vitamin E

2. Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is a natural ingredient that has also been shown to have many benefits for the skin. These benefits include healing scars. It is rich in essential fatty acids, such as, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. These fatty acids help to strengthen the skin’s barrier function, improving its ability to retain moisture and protect against environmental stressors.

Want to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and scars? Rosehip oil can help with that too! Transretinoic acid, a natural form of vitamin A, has been proven to tackle all three skin issues. It’s also high in vitamins C, E and antioxidants. This trifecta helps promote skin regeneration and reduce inflammation. When applied to scars, rosehip oil improves their appearance by reducing redness, fading discoloration and smoothing out rough texture. As if that wasn’t amazing enough, this lovely pinkish/golden oil is known for its ability to deeply moisturize the skin, leaving your skin soft and supple. You can see why rosehip oil ranks at the top of my skin care regime!

I recommend this rose hip oil

3. Honey

Honey is a staple in my kitchen when baked goods are afoot, but it is also fantastic for your skin! It has been used for centuries as a cure-all for various ailments, including its ability to help get rid of acne scars. It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent infection and reduce inflammation in scars. Additionally, the natural enzymes found in honey help break down dead skin cells and promote new tissue growth. Honey is also a natural humectant, it attracts and retains moisture in the skin (yes please!), improving its overall appearance. To use honey on scars, simply apply a small amount directly to the affected area and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing off. Regular use of honey on scars helps improve their appearance over time.

I recommend this honey

4. Yarrow essential oil

Yarrow essential oil is one of my favorite natural remedies for scars because it not only smells amazing, but has incredible abilities to help heal them. This oil contains chamazulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, that also gives it a beautiful blue color. Its astringent properties help tighten and tone the skin, making it look more youthful and radiant. This mystical blue essential oil is also loaded with antioxidants that can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. To use yarrow essential oil on scars, simply apply a small amount diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba or olive oil, (1 drop essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil) directly to the affected area and gently massage it in. Leave on overnight. With consistent use, you’ll notice a significant improvement in the appearance of your scars.

I recommend this yarrow essential oil

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a well-known natural remedy for scars and for good reason. It’s loaded with essential fatty acids that can help moisturize and nourish the skin, making it more supple and smooth. This heavenly, tropical oil also contains lauric acid, which has been shown to have antimicrobial properties that help to prevent infection in wounds and scars. When applied to scars, coconut oil can help reduce inflammation and redness. This makes them less noticeable over time. To use coconut oil on scars, simply apply a small amount to the affected area and massage gently. Leave on overnight. With regular use, you’ll notice a significant improvement in the appearance of your scars. On top of that your skin will be soft and nourished. It’s a win-win situation!

I recommend this coconut oil

6. Vitamin A

Vitamin A in the form of retinol has been shown to be effective in making scars literally disappear. Retinol is known to stimulate collagen production,
which helps reduce the appearance of scars and improves skin texture. It
also has exfoliating properties that help remove dead skin cells, revealing
fresher and brighter skin. It can be applied topically in the form of creams or
serums, but it’s important to start with a low concentration and gradually
increase use to avoid skin irritation. If you don’t start out low and slow your
skin will likely peel significantly and 3-day old sunburn is not the look we’re
going for! However, it’s important to note that retinol may not be suitable for
all skin types and can cause skin sensitivity, so it’s always best to consult
with a dermatologist before incorporating it into your skincare routine. As a rule, I always avoid retinols during pregnancy and breastfeeding as well to
err on the side of caution. Doctors will also give you that advice.


There have been several studies conducted on the effectiveness of retinol
on scars. One study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
found that a topical retinoid treatment improved the appearance of
hypertrophic scars after 12 weeks of use. Another study published in the
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery found that retinol cream was
effective in improving the appearance of atrophic scars after four months of
use. Additionally, a systematic review of 31 clinical trials published in the
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology concluded that topical
retinoids, including retinol, were effective in improving the appearance of
acne scars. These studies suggest that retinol is an effective ingredient for
improving the appearance of scars.

7. Onion extract:

Weird right?! I never would’ve guessed this eye burning bulb had scar healing properties. Onion extract, also known as allium cepa, is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to promote wound healing and reduce scarring. It contains compounds such as quercetin and sulfur, known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that applying onion extract to scars helps to improve their appearance, softens the texture of the skin and reduces redness as well as inflammation. Onion extract works by increasing blood flow to the scar tissue, promoting collagen production and reducing the production of excess scar tissue. It can be applied topically in the form of gels or creams and is often used in combination with other natural remedies such as aloe
vera or vitamin E.

How to prepare onion infused oil to apply to skin:

I recommend you gently simmer (do not boil, you will reduce the quercetin significantly) half an onion (I recommend an organic onion, red or yellow, they contain the most quercetin) in olive oil for 20-30 minutes on low heat. Turn it off and let it sit overnight covered with foil or a lid. In the morning when it is completely cooled, you can strain and transfer it to a clean, sterilized dark tinted bottle or jar, to keep out as much light a possible, and apply it as you wish.
Start with a small amount to make sure it won’t irritate your skin.


8. Essential Fatty Acids:

Essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, play a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin as well as reducing the appearance of scars. These fatty acids help nourish and moisturize the skin, as well as reduce inflammation and promote cell regeneration. Studies have shown that consuming a diet high in essential fatty acids helps improve skin elasticity and reduce the severity of scarring. Additionally, topical application of oils high in essential fatty acids, such as rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, cod liver
oil and evening primrose oil help to improve the appearance of scars by promoting skin cell turnover and reducing inflammation.

I recommend this primrose oil , this cod liver oil , this sea buckthorn oil buckthorn needs to be diluted in a carrier oil as it will stain skin otherwise, a good ratio is 1/16th tsp sea buckthorn to 1 oz carrier oil) or this rosehip oil


I also make a scar balm that has many of these ingredients and more of my favorites, you can find it HERE

Different types of scars:

acne scars


There are several different types of scars that can form on the skin, each
with their own characteristics and causes. The most common type is a
hypertrophic scar, which is raised and thick. This scar forms when the body
produces too much collagen during the healing process. Keloid scars are
like hypertrophic scars but extend beyond the boundaries of the original
wound and can be more difficult to treat.


Atrophic scars are depressed or sunken into the skin, often resulting from acne or chickenpox. 


Contracture scars can form after a burn and cause tightening of the skin, limiting mobility. 

Stretch marks:

Finally, stretch marks are a type of scar that occur when the skin is stretched rapidly, such as during pregnancy or weight gain. Each type of scar may require different treatment methods to improve their appearance or minimize discomfort.

Dermatologic Procedures for reducing scarring:

Dermatologists have several procedures available for reducing scarring on the skin. 


Dermabrasion is a dermatological procedure that involves using a high-speed rotating brush to remove the top layer of skin. This procedure is typically used to improve the appearance of scars, especially those caused by acne or injury. Dermabrasion can also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, age spots, and get rid of acne scars. The benefits of dermabrasion include smoother, more even-looking skin and a reduction in the appearance of scars. The procedure can be performed in a dermatologist’s office under local anesthesia, and recovery time is usually around one to two weeks.

Laser resurfacing:

Laser resurfacing is a dermatological procedure that uses a laser to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin, revealing smoother and healthier-looking skin underneath. The procedure can be done with a range of laser types, including carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers and erbium lasers. Laser resurfacing can be effective in reducing the appearance of scars, including acne scars, surgical scars, and other types of scars. The laser stimulates collagen production, which helps to fill in the scar and create a smoother surface. The benefits of laser resurfacing for reducing scars include: improved skin texture, reduced scarring, and an overall improvement in skin appearance. However, it’s important to note that laser resurfacing can have potential side effects, such as redness, swelling, and scarring, and it may require multiple treatments for optimal results. 

Chemical peels:

Chemical peels are dermatological procedures where a chemical solution is
applied to the skin to exfoliate and remove the outer layer of damaged skin.
This procedure can help reduce the appearance of scars by promoting the

growth of new skin cells and collagen production. Chemical peels can
improve the texture and tone of the skin, reduce the appearance of acne
and other types of scarring. The benefits of chemical peels for scars
depend on the type and severity of the scars and can vary from person to
person. It is important to consult with a dermatologist to determine if a
chemical peel is the right option for your specific type of scarring.


In some cases, dermatologists may also recommend surgical scar revision,
where the scar is surgically removed, and the skin is re-stitched to reduce
its appearance. These procedures can be effective in reducing the
appearance of scars, but it’s important to consult with a dermatologist to
determine the best option for your specific type of scarring.

How to Avoid Getting Scars in the First Place

Do Not Pick! Do Not Pick! Now repeat after me: DO.NOT.PICK…Your
pimples that is. The old adage prevention is the best form of medicine rings
true here! Especially if you have cystic acne or the kind that does not come
to a head. You will make it a hundred times worse if you pick it, trust me, I
know this from experience. As tempting as it is, walk away from the mirror,
put down whatever instrument you were going to use and seriously don’t
touch it!

Instead, grab the vitamin E, put it on your pimple and leave it on overnight.
If it hasn’t come to a head, grab a washcloth, wet it with warm water and
gently apply it to the blemish. Keep warming up the washcloth with the
warm water and reapplying it until it softens. Sometimes this alone will bring
it to a head. Once you see the head, then you can very gently try to coax it
out. If it is not coming out, keep warming the washcloth and reapplying for
up to 15 minutes. At that point, if it hasn’t come to a head, I have a special
remedy that you can find in my shop called the blemish ninja. It not only
worked for my cystic acne, but it has also worked for thousands of other

Blemish Ninja

How long til my scar is gone?

The length of time it takes for a scar to heal and be reduced in appearance
can vary depending on the severity of the scar, the individual’s healing
process and the treatment used. In general, it can take anywhere from
several months to a year or more for a scar to fully mature and fade. Some
scars may continue to improve for up to two years. It is important to note
that while treatments can help to reduce the appearance of scars, they may
not completely eliminate them.
The most important thing is to start treatment right away after the wound
has scabbed over and is no longer open. Vitamin E would be my first go to
and then the others. Best of luck on your healing journey!